Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Find out: Which investor you shouldn't be

Your investment style is an extension of your own personality. A calmer demeanour would most probably have a conservative approach to investing and would choose safer deposits over riskier returns. Their approach would be in stark contrast to the route adopted by the hyper lot who take risks hoping it results in higher returns. And there are also those that are comfortable with striking a balance between risk and return: the moderates.
Nov 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Take the case of Ravibhai and Shashibahi, both started investing Rs.2000 every month, earning interest of 8% per annum on monthly compounding basis. The only difference is Ravibhai starts at age of 25 and Shashibhai starts investing at age of 35. Both of them invest Rs.1.2 lakhs over a period of 5yrs and then hold their investments till they turn 60.

Ravi's investment appreciates to over Rs.14 lakhs while Shashi's investment grows to only Rs.5.6 lakhs.

Moral of the story is More the Time Period, better the returns. It doesn't matter how much you earn today, but what matters is how early you start investing. Mutual Fund investment can make you true CROREPATHI if you start early and invest systematically for long term. No Life Line required. 

All the Ravibhais should not think that they still have time to start investing so you can blow out your salary today. Reduce your unnecessary expenses and start investing. 

If you are one of those Shashibhai, then don't worry you still have time. Don't worry. Start your SIPs today.